
The Depths

The depths were dark, yet luminous,
and electrifyingly powerful.

Without them she was half herself. 
She needed them. 

But for her whole life, she had skirted past,
edged close but not into,
willed herself to look over into the abyss
but thankful for the solid footing
she felt on the other side. 

Until that footing crumbled,
and turned into dust
that slithered down the steep sides
into the nothingness she feared. 

Except when she opened her eyes,
she saw not the empty blackness she expected,
but a convergence of pathways,
which all led back to love.

You must go through the dark
to find the light.

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Inspirations and ideas

Come to me at odd, often inconvenient, times.
As I’m juggling a coffee, my dog’s leash, and reaching for my keys - BAM an idea pops in.
Writing out my to-do list, trying to empty out my overflowing mind and there it is - lines for my next poem.

Writing, expression, emotions aren’t linear or predictable.
But isn’t that part of the appeal,
as we seek the wildness and beauty and wisdom inside of us…?

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